Friday, August 25, 2017


A heart attack occurs when the blood flow to your heart gets blocked, and the heart isn’t receiving enough blood to do its function properly. The blood flow is usually blocked by arterial plaque buildup, which can suddenly rupture and form a blood clot which will limit the blood flow to your heart.

If such a situation does occur, you must react quickly or otherwise part of your heart muscle will start dying off and become scar tissue which can cause even more serious issues in the future.Life style Change can prevent heart attacks.

Healthy diet
Moderate physical activity (walking/bicycling minimum 40 min per day and exercising minimum 1 hour per week)
Moderate alcohol consumption (maximum 10 to 30g. a day)
No smoking

Healthy Diet for our Heart.
Avoid sugars, processed fructose, and grains. Stay clear of most processed foods as well.
Implement a healthy balanced eating regimen consisted of whole, organic food.
Replace the carbs with High amounts of vegetables.
Low-to-moderate amount of high-quality protein.
High-quality, healthy fat (saturated and monounsaturated from animal and tropical oil sources).
Butter made from organic milk
Raw dairy
Organic egg yolks
Coconuts and coconut oil
Unheated organic nut oils
Raw nuts, such as almonds, pecans, macadamia, and seeds
Meat from grass-fed animals

Fruit for Your Heart.
If you are leptin/insulin resistant, overweight, hypersensitive or have high cholesterol level, you shouldn’t eat more than 15g fructose daily.

If you are not insulin/leptin resistant and have normal weight, don’t suffer from diabetes, hypertension, or high cholesterol and if you do some physical activity almost every day, you can eat as much fruit as you like. 
If you belong to the second group, fruit can still increase your blood sugar, even your protein glycosylation. It’s best to eat fruits after a workout and some physical activity because your body will then use the sugar as fuel rather than store it in your blood and raise your blood sugar levels. 
Plus, if you’re an endurance athlete, you can also consume large amounts of fruits because your body will burn most of the glucose during exercise, and it won’t be stored as fat. 

This life-threatening condition is very serious but what many people don’t know is that it can be completely prevented and avoided if people just made some crucial lifestyle changes. As lifestyle is a big factor in cardiovascular health.

What are these crucial lifestyle changes that play such an important role in cardiovascular health?

You need to avoid trans fats and processed foods entirely. This means that fast food and junk food is completely off the table. Then, you have to get your insulin and leptin resistance under control. The high intake of sugars and grains has probably disrupted the balance and caused an array of problems. If you want to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and prevent a heart attack you need to follow some basic rules:

It’s been scientifically proven that the majority of people lack fat in their day-to-day diet and this need to be improved for optimal health. Everyone should increase the healthy fat intake by at least 50-85%. To do so, you should consider eating more:
If you want to have a healthy heart, you need to restore the balance between omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6 fatty acids. The combination of these two ingredients participates in the formation of cells in the arteries, responsible for prostacyclin, an ingredient which enables smooth blood flow.

The lack of omega three can cause a long list of health disorders premature deaths every year. Experts recommend that you limit your consumption of vegetable oils and eat more wild-caught oily fish like sardines and anchovies. You can consider taking a high-quality krill oil supplement.

A study presented at the ESC Congress in Barcelona this year revealed some amazing discoveries. The study showed that people who regularly consumed fruits had a 40% lower risk of any cardiovascular disease and a 32% lower risk of death from any cause in comparison with people who didn’t.

Fruits abound in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and other phytonutrients which can improve your cardiovascular health and prevent inflammation.

According to a study from the British Medical Journal eating just one apple a day can lower the risk of cardiovascular disease and death from heart attack in people over 50 years, having similar effect as statin drugs.

Still, everything should be in moderation, and this goes for fruits as well. You should especially be careful with sweeter fruits; they contain high levels of fructose. The most beneficial ingredients are usually found in the skin or seeds, and they have a bitter or sour taste.

There are certain guidelines as to how much fruit you should eat on a daily basis according to your overall health condition. For example:

You can implement certain lifestyle changes, such as eliminate processed foods and eat more organic food which doesn’t contain artificial sugars and sugar-forming carbs. If you start some high-intensity cardio workout in addition to the diet, you will be on the right track to reversing this disease.

There are a million things you can do if you want to improve your overall health and lower the risk of heart attack and cardiovascular disease. The one thing you shouldn’t do is wait for things to take the turn to the worse before doing something about it. If you don’t take immediate action the consequences could be deadly.

Here’s what you can do if you want to prevent heart attack and promote your health:

– Eliminate all sugars, including processed fructose and grains if you are insulin or leptin resistant.

– Eat unprocessed saturated animal fats; they are highly beneficial for you

– Don’t sit for prolonged periods of time. If you can, try to limit the sitting time to three hours a day or less and be more physically active.

– Exercise regularly, in a combination with a healthy balanced diet, preferably organic. This may even yield better results than cholesterol lowering drugs. For best results, combine high-intensity interval training, strength training, stretching, and core work.

– Provide your body with the much-needed vitamin D.

– Reduce your stress daily. Stress is a contributing factor in some diseases, not just cardiovascular ones, so reducing stress can have a positive effect on your overall health.

Source: Several Health Magazines.

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